Measuring Race/Ethnicity: New Federal Standards Impact on Research & Policy

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently revised Statistical Policy Directive Number 15, setting new standards for collecting race/ethnicity data after decades of community advocacy for data equity and visibility. Join us for an informative discussion with leaders in research, policy, and community to discuss what these new standards mean for research, healthcare, and policy across diverse communities.
This event is open to all UCLA Bruins and community members.
Ninez Ponce, Ph.D., MPP | Director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; Professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Calvin Chang, JD | Director of the NHPI Data Policy Lab and Co-Founder of the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Data Policy Lab
Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas, Ph.D., MA | Director of Research for the Latino Politics and Policy Initiative
Please check back for additional speakers!
Mona AuYoung, Ph.D. | Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine & Health Services Research, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; Co-Lead, Community Engagement & Research Program (CERP)