I completed my B.S.E. and M.S. degrees in Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University, where I studied and worked in the BioProtean lab. At ASU, I focused my research on neurodegenerative diseases, specifically studying transcriptional programs in microglia. As a graduate student, I developed a functional genetic assay to measure immunometabolic reporters in vitro. As a staff researcher, I implemented a known multiplexed Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization technique to illuminate the specific spatial and transcriptional responses elicited in microglia in response to neuronal injury or demyelination. This sparked my passion for research and my dedication to improving human health by designing novel therapeutics. I’m broadly interested in personalized and precision medicine and am therefore very excited to join the Molecular Pharmacology department at UCLA. Outside of the lab, I enjoy painting, working out, and drinking coffee. In LA, I hope to reignite a unique hobby from a few years ago: aerial circus.